Announcement analytics
Have you ever been at a party that was too loud? You’re having a conversation with someone — you can’t hear them, they can’t hear you. You announce you’re going to the bathroom. They keep talking to you, their mouth moving, their eyes locked on you scanning for active listening, trapping you.
Announcements that aren’t heard have consequences. Our Announcements analytics pages is designed to help you understand whether your announcements made through Command AI are being heard.
What it measures

Active announcements
These are the number of announcements that are currently published to users. This represents the number of announcements that are capable of generating impressions.
This represents the total user impressions of announcements in the period you currently have selected in the date range selector in the top right. Note that this includes views from both currently published announcements, as well as announcements that collected views during the period but have since been unpublished (think an announcement you turned on to announce an event, and then turned off after the event was over).
Snooze rate
The percentage of impressions that have ended with the user snoozing the nudge. Snoozing is only possible on nudges that have the Snoozable
setting enabled.
Announcements table
This shows all your active (i.e. published) announcements. You can see unpublished announcements in this table by clicking the Show unpublished Announcements
This shows every user who has had at least one impression of the announcement, along with the outcome (whether they dismissed, generated a strike, completed, or abandoned mid-way).